Sunday, 14 August 2011


So I haven't updated in 12 days, and I do not have a photo for every day.
If I am honest, I am bored of this. My day to day life is mundane and the blog is boring me, so I can only assume it is boring to other people. Over the past month or 2 I have found it more and more difficult to take a picture of something different every day, because usually 5 days of my week are exactly the bloomin' same. Therefore I have failed at my Challenge 365 and I shall be closing its metaphorical doors.
Cheerio Challenge 365. Another unfinished blog of mine, left to fester in the depths of the interwebs.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011


So it turns out my little fainting episode yesterday was brought on by some sort of wee bug and I have pretty much spent all of yesterday and today sleeping it off. The constant nausea has subsided so I think I'll make it back to work tomorrow.

Monday, 1 August 2011


So today I didn't get up to too much. Oh yeah I did faint in Queen Street station and get carted off in a wheel chair. But other than that, it was a quiet one.

Sunday, 31 July 2011


I've watched alot of films today. I watched Scott Pilgim vs The World. Resident Evil: Afterlife and Tim Burtons Planet of the Apes. Its not often that I managed to stay awake and watch one film all the way to the end in one sitting. It's quite impressive that I watched all of these in one day. They were all pretty good films though.
So that's July finito. Summed up by a lazy Sunday watching some movies.

Saturday, 30 July 2011


Today me, Mum & Dad, Eileen and her clan all went to The Glasgow Show. The highlight of my day was the Rocking Horse Stunt Team. This picture is of a man riding upside down on the side of a horse. That, if you ask me, is pretty awesome. Mum, at the end of their show, said something along the lines of 'I thought it would be more impressive'. There was, at one point, a man standing astride 3 stallions galloping at full speed, and the same guy then later went down one side of the horse, under its tummy and up the other side back onto its saddle, again at full gallop. Pretty dang impressive.

Friday, 29 July 2011


Today there was a bake sale in work, I believe for the African Drought appeal. You can't beat a bake sale in work. Always tasty treats for much cheapness.

Thursday, 28 July 2011


So I finished the book I posted about the other day and was looking for something else to read. I asked Mum if she had anything I might like and these are the few I narrowed it down to from the huge bundle she gave me. I think it is going to take quite some time for me to get through them all.